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CEO Resource: Level Up App

Your performance as CEO is the most important controllable factor when it comes to the performance of your company. After all, the buck stops with you.

This begs the question…what are you doing to improve your performance?

Sleep, nutrition, and exercise are huge levers to pull in making you the best version of yourself. Those are all things that influence your performance through primarily physical ways – your body feels better, moves better, has more energy – and that’s important.

But what are you doing to strengthen your mind?

Research suggests that the number one factor in personal performance, as described by Dr. Jason Selk and Ellen Reed in their book Relentless Solution Focus, is self-confidence.

Let me repeat that:

Self-confidence is the number one determinant of performance.

Now, you probably didn’t get to where you are by not believing in yourself at least to some extent, but few roles pummel an individual’s self-confidence like that of CEO.

So…maybe your self-confidence is a little bruised? Maybe it’s just not quite what it used to be? Maybe it’s great, but you don’t settle for just great?

Don’t panic, train!

Self-confidence, which is to say, mental toughness can be trained just a like a muscle.

Unlike your physical training, mental training takes just a few minutes a day. Literally.

Drs. Selk and Reed have developed a mental training protocol that takes about four minutes. It may just be one of the highest ROI activities you can do.

I believe the full book is worth a read or listen, certainly, but they’ve also developed a mental training app called Level Up that guides you through the research while getting your reps in so you can start training right away.

It’s almost like having a high level mental performance coach in your pocket.

Check it out here: and get training!